1, 2002
Henry - KM4O and Tony - WA4UPE lend a hand

Rick with the TA-33

Rick and Henry

The third section is in place

Tony uses the Tower Jack to convince the forth section

The top section is in place and being secured

Completed tower. The two meter quad and weather station are on a
mast to the left

Another view of the completed tower
4, 2002
Tony - WA4UPE, Henry - KM4O, Bobby, Rick's friend and Bart - KG4MUZ
all lending a hand

Tony spreads the porcupine

Bart and Henry supervising

The TA-33 ready to go

The TA-33 reaches the top

Tony secures the TA-33.
Where'd I put those saddles?...

"Just don't unhook..."
Rick gets ready to climb for the first time.

The TA-33 is up.
See the 2 Meter quad and the weather station?

The 2 Meter quad and the weather station up close

Rick climbs the tower for the first time
Rick now at work

Nice view of Rick up top

Rick is going to mount a side arm to support the center of his dipole
The side arm is in place and the dipole is on the way up

Whose jet is that?

Coming down is always good

Good contrast showing the
TA-33 and the multi-band dipole.

Interesting view from the "inside"