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The Digital Read Out (DRO) components were removed from the back side of the table for these modifications. I fashioned a piece of delrin rod to hold the rubber sheet covering the screw and ways of the saddle. | |
The rod is fastened below the DRO components with two screws which go into holes drilled and tapped. | |
DRO sending unit fastens to the small plate to the right of the brass elbow. One of the new holes for mounting the delrin rod can be seen in the lower right corner. | |
The plate for the sending unit was trimmed on one end (left in this picture) to allow clearence for the brass elbow | |
Both holes for the oil cups were exposed. The screw in the near end of the DRO sending unit bracket was removed, the hole counter sunk and a new 6mm flat head screw installed to allow clearence for the sending unit cable. | |
One of the old oil cups screwed into a hole to clean the threads. | |
The new elbows were screwed into the existing holes. Unfortunately the original threads are metric and the 1/8 pipe threads on the elbows don't exactly match. Fortunately, they are brass, and do screw in. There is a little brass cut as they do (look closely). | |
Both elbows are in place and the delrin rod with the rubber sheet is mounted. | |
Clear plastic tubing is attached to each elbow with zip ties. | |
The plastic tube was slipped over the threads of the elbow and secured with a zip tie. | |
Previous damage to the sending unit cable from the aluminum extrusion that is the guard over the DRO components rubbing against the cable. Fortunately only minor cuts in the braid without penetrating the wire insulation. Scotch #33+ takes care of this. | |
DRO components in place, cable routed and secured with zip ties. | |
Taped portion of the sending unit cable is now in the clear and runs all the way to the end of the guard before exiting. | |
View from the left end. | |
DRO sending unit. | |
DRO sending unit cable and oiler tube secured to the delrin rod. | |
Guard in place. It no longer rubs on the cable or anything else. | |
Extended oil cups. There's oil in those tubes. | |
A block milled square, collets hanging in the background. | |