W4ZT Repeater

Union City, Georgia

Battery switch

The four 60 AH sealed lead acid batteries used for emergency backup power are automatically charged by the Ibex charger. When commercial power fails, there is a small 110 volt DC coil, 3PDT relay which is powered all the time by the 120 volt main which will open. The normally closed contacts of that relay connect the backup batteries to the external battery input of the repeater.
The collection of parts for the battery switch. There isn't a schematic diagram.
Closeup of the small parts. The white tube on the left is a piece of PVC with sides sanded on it. It's used to hold, mount and insulate the electrolytic capacitor.
The end of the small metal chassis with the terminal strip mounted. The chassis was an old Radio Shack 6 volt to 12 volt inverter.
The 3PDT relay and the electrolytic capacitor are glued to the chassis
The connections are completed, checkout is done and I'm ready to put the cover on.
The battery switch was mounted inside the repeater cabinet but has been moved to the repeater chassis itself as you can see here.
Okay, I decided to draw a very simple schematic. A and B are the terminals in series with the battery positive lead. One change to this circuit was made to free one set of contacts which is used to signal the repeater controller that the power switch has been made. The controller senses the switch and changes the ID messages.

Last update was on November 20, 2006 5:05